About Thai Food

Thai food is world famous for its delicious blend of sweet, sour and salty, tanginess appetizingly reinforced by a variety of peppers used in the dishes . This tasty blend that has become characteristic of traditional Thai cuisine is distinctive local food today.

Thai food combines the best of several Eastern cuisines : the oriental bite of Szechuan Chinese , the tropical flavor of Malaysia , sauces creamy coconut and South Indian spices of Arabic cuisine . Thais then add lots of fresh ingredients, plant cilantro , chili and pepper. The result is as thin as kitchen "of the East, with small portions of lean meat , poultry and seafood, and plenty of fresh vegetables and salads.
Thai food is lightly cooked , so it's cool , colorful, highly flavored and nutritious. The distinctive flavor comes from a handful of key ingredients , all widely available in Asian grocery stores . The ingredients that are essential in Thai are spices and herbs, which , in addition to its aromatic quality , are known to have several health benefits . The essence of many types of herbs can help regulate the body's circulatory system . Knowledge of the use of herbs in Thai cuisine , derived from traditional Thai medicine , Thai food is a healthy choice in a real sense .

A Thai meal typically consists of a variety of dishes such as curry , soup, sauce and a sauce or salad. Normally there is a balance of sweet and spicy food at least one plate of mild to counteract the hot intensity.

Thai cooking is not difficult. Once you are familiar with the main ingredients and can guarantee that you will be surprised by the delicious food that you can cook . The Thai way of life is relaxed and this is reflected in your kitchen too, so do not worry too much, relax, keep a smile on your face and enjoy!